Patio cleaning Wirral
Pristine pathways specializes in patio cleaning and restore them to look the same or even better than when it was first laid. Using the latest high tech pressure washing equipment which will tackle the dirtiest patio. We offer much more than a cleaning service, we can relay sunken paving remove oils stains and install drainage channels.
We treat any algae or lichen (black spots) with an anti-fungicidal chemical to fully remove and slowdown and reappearance. Indian stone patios being the most popular has its own page, Indian stone cleaning.
Repointing and repairs, we can replace missing/damaged areas or remove all the pointing and replace it all. We can replace any damaged paving stones with any spares you may have or we can source a matching replacement.
With all our customers we provide a professional patio cleaning service which makes us stand out from our competitors. As the business owner I am very much hands on and all of the work is carried out by me or my colleague. Over the years I have invested in the best equipment to tackle the most difficult tasks and have sourced the best deals on cleaning chemicals.
Pristine pathways are fully insured, health and safety trained and carry the relevant documentation it the van. We always were uniform as well as the relevant safety equipment.
Before any work is carried out I will visit you and provide you with a written quotation. No deposit is required and we don’t take full payment until all the work is carried out to your satisfaction. Payments can be made by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
To carry any work a water supply will be required but apart from that we are self-contained.
Area covered
We clean patios in Wirral, we clean patios in Liverpool, We clean patios in Chester.